Here's an extract, with some thoughts on the merit of encyclopedias, and Hoxton. Incidentally, I find it curious that elsewhere when one character learns of another lord or professor so-and-so, his first instinct is to look the fellow up in a Who's Who, much as one might Google a new name today.
"They are the four letters of the Tetragrammaton, the Divine name," Chloe said, still more nervously. "Yod, He, Vau, He. I found it out this afternoon," she said suddenly to Sir Giles, "in an encyclopedia."
"Some of us write encyclopedia's," Arglay said,"-that's you, Giles; some of us read them - that's you, Miss Burnett; some of us own them - that's me; and some of us despise them - that's you, Reginald."
"Encyclopedias are like slums," Giles said, "the rotten homes of diseased minds. But even Hoxton has to pretend to live, it thinks, and of course it doesn't know it stinks."
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